is a consulting and expert company. The main and only business is our clients´ property valuation. We do not perform any other commercial activities, we work according to the USA Anti Corruption Act 1997. On this base we are ready to provide independent and objective appraisal of your property according to the highest international standards in the fields of::
Economy -
In the field price and appraisal, specialization business enterprise appraisal
In the field price and appraisal, specialization real estate appraisal
Building Industry -
In the field construction material, housing buildings, industrial buildings
In the field of various building, specialization budgeting, supplies pricing

Direct responsibility
of the expert, licensed by the court to give expertise in the individual field, guarantees top expert quality of our work. In case of a more complicated cases this is guaranteed by other experts opinion to ensure the highest professional level and objective solution of the tasks given.

In the time of operating on the market
(since 1984) we have elaborated number of expertise not only for the government, where expertise made exclusively by a eligible expert in the relevant field are required in the sense of pertinent provisions, but also for citizens and organizations that are solving different problematic. This of course widens our special experience and guarantees to customers the highest processing level and optimal result.

Assets Consulting provides its services
in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic where, thanks to detailed economical and legal environment knowledge, it ensures its clients professional appraisal of their property in monetary items.